Educating & Empowering Young People.
Equipping Parents.

The Mission

Teen Esteem+ equips young people and caring adults to navigate the challenges of today and embrace hope for lifelong well-being.

Teen Esteem+ was founded in 1994 with a desire to empower students, parents and the community to connect and collaborate concerning the challenges and risks that young people face.

We are a non-profit organization funded by private charitable donations and nominal program fees. Relief, validation, understanding and hope are the positive outcomes reported by thousands of young people and adults reached each year by Teen Esteem+.

Core Values

This is what we’re all about.


We educate K-12 students, parents, guardians, and the community on the challenges young people face.


Through classroom presentations and school assemblies, we equip students to make courageous, informed decisions based on respect for self and others.


We empower students to make healthy, life-changing choices from which they will thrive for a lifetime.

Our Message

Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. No one is disposable. Everyone is unique and valuable.


Teen Esteem+ connects with K-12 students through dynamic, interactive assemblies & classroom presentations.

Our speakers focus on the most pressing challenges facing our youth today.