Student Stories
“The presentation was life-changing for me because I would have committed suicide.
And if I wasn't inspired, I wouldn't be here.”
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"I will never take any prescription medication that is not mine after seeing the dangers involved. I will make better choices because of it."
"The most impactful part was probably the talk about relationships and where the line should be drawn because I see a lot of things around me where people go really far, and I’m always confused and wonder if this is like normal now.”
"Thank you for helping me realize that I mean more the people than I thought. Now, every day I wake up and feel like a teacup. I didn't know how valuable I was."
"Everything was helpful. All the speakers spoke from the heart. Amazing Talk."
"I think it was important to mention that we are going to be adults and make these decisions so we should be responsible starting now."
"The presentation focused greatly on how I decide what I do or don't do, whether than means not going to a party or setting boundaries with a future partner."
"The metaphor with the tape measure was the most impactful to me because I have been trying to instill good habits into my life and I keep failing. However, I have realized that I have a lot of time to keep trying to live a good life."
"I love all these people. They are kind."
"I know not to be ashamed of mental health Issues."
"They made me think a lot about the decisions I've made regarding substances. I feel like I've made bad decisions on purpose, was sort of a self-destructive stress outlet meant for relief."
"I now have the tools to say no and resist things in my life that are neither good or healthy."
"This assembly made me think about what I said in the past. I didn't realize how much of a bully I was."
"Teen Esteem explained kindness in a way I've never seen somebody who before, and it's pretty cool."
"The assembly had a profound impact on me."
"One way I can connect to today's presentation to my life is getting help from other people. I think that it is important to talk to someone about your problems other than just bottling it up and getting more anxiety."
"The speakers were interesting and didn't make topics awkward."