Dozen Healthy Ways To Deal With Stress

  • The basics, eat right, sleep right - News flash: you need 8-10 hours

  • Study when you study, have fun when you have fun - you’ll do a much better job at both if you’re not trying to do them at the same time.

  • Give yourself a break - even when you are totally swamped take 5 - 15 minutes to get some fresh air, listen to music, call a friend.

  • Exercise - take a walk, play tennis, go for a hike, join a yoga class.

  • Be patient with yourself - don’t expect more of yourself than you can realistically handle. Appreciate who you are instead of comparing yourself to others.

  • Discover your passion, what you love and excel at. This doesn’t always happen right away, so just have fun discovering who you are.

  • Practice time management - it will help now but also in college and the workplace.

  • The power of no - you cant do it all so you may have to say no to some awesome things keeping your sanity is worth it.

  • Family - sometimes we push them away when we need them the most.

  • Recognize that you are one in 7.5 billion people - there is no one exactly like you - there never was and there never will be. You are a unique individual like no other!

  • Do something with your hands that you enjoy - drawing, painting, woodworking, gardening.

  • Talk to parents, teachers, counselors if you need help. You have a wonderful school with lots of people who want to see you succeed both personally and academically.


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