Articles For Parents

Parenting Jordan McGrath Parenting Jordan McGrath

Developing Resilience in Your Child

As much as we want to protect our kids, we cannot prevent the challenges and daily stresses they encounter; but we can teach them to become more resilient by the ways we encourage them to respond to these challenges. Developing resilience will help them become better equipped to address future challenges and become more successful adults.

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Parenting Jordan McGrath Parenting Jordan McGrath


Being a parent of a teen isn’t easy, and likewise, neither is being a teen. Teens today face a number of concerning challenges that have significant implications for their health.

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Parenting Jordan McGrath Parenting Jordan McGrath

Communicating with Your Quiet Child or Teen

A lot of parents ask us about how to effectively communicate with their quiet child or teen. Kids can sometimes be tricky and complicated with their shifting moods and emotions. Effective communication with your child can help you both feel more connected in your relationship and build confidence when it comes to difficult conversations and resolving conflict. During adolescence, your kids need you just as much as they ever did. The best way to support them is by making sure they know they can come to you with problems or struggles they are having.

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Parenting Jordan McGrath Parenting Jordan McGrath

Distance Learning Tips & Tricks

Distance learning is a challenge for everyone. We’ve connected with experts, teachers, parents, counselors and administrators to offer some ideas. No matter how many awesome ideas, nothing will “fix” the current situation as it is not ideal for anyone. But we can work to make it a little less painful - and dare we say - even a little fun!

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Parenting Jordan McGrath Parenting Jordan McGrath

Pornography and Teen Dating Violence

While it may be normal and healthy for teens and pre-teens to develop curiosity in their sexuality, internet access and social media have resulted in alarming statistics when it comes to young people being exposed to pornography. There is a never-ending collection of pornographic images available for unrestricted viewing by adults as well as kids. Young people are immersed in porn culture everywhere they look: internet searches, gaming, social media, YouTube, movies, TV...

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