Articles For Parents
New Year, New Social Media Algorithms to Keep Your Kids & Teens Safe
Our kids are the first generation to grow up in a digital world, and you are the first generation of parents to help them navigate the unknown. You have the privilege of walking with your child toward health and growth, helping them steward their attention wisely. Here are 5 tips that may help on this journey!
5 Ways to Help Your Child Become Addiction Resistant to Their Smartphones
Our kids are the first generation to grow up in a digital world, and you are the first generation of parents to help them navigate the unknown. You have the privilege of walking with your child toward health and growth, helping them steward their attention wisely. Here are 5 tips that may help on this journey!
Tips to Survive & Thrive Your First Year of College
College can be both exciting and overwhelming for freshmen who may feel uneasy about their newfound independence. We asked current college students these 3 questions about THEIR freshman year, and here's what they said...
A Parent and Caregiver’s Guide to Video Gaming
The video gaming world often represents unknown territory to parents and their attempts to enforce boundaries and limits on their gaming kids typically end in tension and conflict. Here are some tips to keep the child in your life’s gaming healthy.
Helping Our Kids Navigate the Digital World in a Safe and Healthy Way
The onus of mitigating the potential harms of social media should not be placed solely on the shoulders of parents and caregivers, but here are 7 steps they can take to help protect and support children and adolescents against the risk of harm.
5 Things Children & Adolescents Can Do To Navigate The Digital World
According to the U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory and the Department of Health and Human Services, up to 95% of youth ages 13-17 report using a social media platform, with more than a third saying they use social media “almost constantly.” While there is evidence that shows that social media does have benefits, there are also indicators that it can also have a profound risk of harm to the mental health and well-being of our kids.
Helping Your Child Foster Good Friendships
Friendship is the building block on which our children’s social skills are built and the space where kids begin to understand who they are. As parents and caregivers, we can encourage our kids to choose their friends wisely by having regular conversations around questions like these:
5 Requests Teens Have of Their Parents About Their Online Safety
Involving our teens in conversations about internet safety is key to understanding the challenges and opportunities they experience online. TikTok took a positive step by committing to working in partnership with parents and caregivers as they support their kid's digital journey. As part of that effort, TikTok polled teens on what support they valued as it relates to online safety. Here's what the kids said:
Talking To Our Kids About Screens
Smartphones have become a constant companion in our teens' lives. From connection with family and friends to entertainment and background noise, young people rely on their smartphones for different types of mental health support, relaxation, and distraction—at home and at school, and during the day and night.
5 Key Conversations to Have With Your Child About Drinking
90% of addictions start in the high school years. Additionally, 1 in 4 who began using substances before age 18 have an addiction, compared to 1 in 25 who began at age 21 or older.
Helping Your Student Succeed During Finals and Tips to Manage Test Anxiety
Here are a few strategies that can be beneficial for improving study habits and decreasing stress
Helping Kids Process Violence in the News
If your child has been asking questions about violent conflicts and things they've seen, or you simply want to get ahead of other information sources they may run into, these tips can help ground them and reduce their anxiety.
A Parent's Guide to Combatting FOMO
On the surface, the fear of missing out (FOMO), promises that we will maximize our lives, our fun, our happiness, our coolness because we won’t miss anything—and therefore won’t miss the best.
The Ultimate Guide to Teen Slang
If you're a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, coach, teacher etc., check out this sampling of slang words below,
6 Tips for the College Freshman Who Stayed Home
...brought to you by Tristan Clinton, a former Teen Esteem
Junior Ambassador during his sophomore year at DVC.
Dealing Effectively and Lovingly with Your Over-Stressed Teen
All adolescents experience stress and anxiety. It's important to distinguish normal levels of stress with overwhelming stress. Click here to read more.
6 Basic Rules For Effective Parenting
Parents can be the most influential voice in a child’s life. Here are 6 practical ways that you can be effective as a parent. Click here to get started.
Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription drugs are more abused than all illegal drugs combined (except marijuana). Prescription drug deaths now outnumber traffic fatalities in the U.S. Many addictions begin with treatment of legitimate health issues.
Drug Use - Red Flags
Learn more about the signs & red flags that may indicate that your child is engaging with drugs, and some practical tips to communicate & love your child through it. Check out this article to get started.
Marijuana Use
The most commonly used drug among teens, second to alcohol, is marijuana. Our culture often glamorizes the use of marijuana, especially the media and music industry. The misconception is that it’s harmless, which is not the case. Click to learn more.